If you are looking for a credit card that gives you special perks, you can check out a Creation credit card. Creation credit cards offer all sorts of incentives for you to use their cards. For example, if you are someone who likes traveling, you can get a credit card that’s going to give you some great perks that will help make your next vacation more budget-friendly and enjoyable.
The Creation card is going to help you earn reward miles. These days, more and more transactions are done online, and that means electronic payment options are becoming a need rather than a want. And that means you’ve got to keep that credit score in check.
Some of Creation’s offerings allow you to transfer a balance with low or no balance transfer fees. They also offer 0% interest for a limited amount of time on those transfers. Our editors have looked into each Creation credit card and evaluated what they have to offer. The team has come up with 2 Creation credit cards that might be great for you. Read everything below before deciding on which card is right for you.

Why Creation Cards?
Creation Financial Services seeks to offer products that fit their target customers’ lifestyles. From an easy-to-use card for traveling to reward-focused ones, you can rely on this institution for your credit banking needs. With straightforward offerings and without hidden charges, you can trust Creation credit cards for a worthwhile service.
IHG Rewards Club Credit Card
This card is perfect for those who want more reward points. It comes with 10,000 IHG Rewards Club bonus points after spending ₤200 in 3 months. Moreover, you can enjoy 1 point for every ₤1 spent in the UK, 2 points for every ₤4 spent in an IHG location, and 2 points for every ₤1 spent abroad.
These points are able to be redeemed at IHG properties like Holiday Inn or even to do a little shopping at select stores. You may even get Gold Elite Status upon approval depending on your credit ratings.
Who Is Eligible?
In order to be eligible for approval, you must meet the following requirements.
- 18+ years of age
- Be a resident of the UK
- Minimum ₤10,000 annual income
- Good credit rating with no judgments/decrees
- No bankruptcies
Fees and Rates
- 0% interest for up to 12 months on balance transfers (on first 3 months of purchases)
- Variable APR representative rate of 22.9%
- Cash advances have a 27.9% interest rate
- Minimum payment 1%
- 2.99% fee foreign currency conversion
- 3% or ₤3 transfer fee
- 3% or ₤5 cash handling fee
- ₤12 fee for unpaid payment
- ₤12 late fee
- ₤12 exceeding limit fee
- Purchase P.A. @ 22.9%
- No annual fee

Maximiles Credit Card
Aside from rewards on accommodation transactions, you can also get points for spending online. The Maximiles offering gives 5,000 Maximiles bonus points when you make your first purchase. It also lets you earn 1 point for every ₤1 spent using this card. Plus, a neat little feature allows you to use contactless payments for purchases of ₤45 or less.
Who Is Eligible?
In order to be eligible for approval, you must meet the following requirements.
- 18+ years of age
- Be a resident of the UK
- Minimum ₤10,000 annual income
- Good credit rating with no judgments/decrees
- No bankruptcies
Fees and Rates
- 0% on balance transfers for 9 months
- 0% on purchases for 3 months
- 17.9% APR
- 17.9% interest on balance transfers/ purchases (after initial offer)
- 22.9% interest on cash advances
- 1% minimum payment
- No annual fee
- 2.99% fee foreign currency conversion
- 3% or ₤3 transfer fee
- 3% or ₤5 cash handling fee
- ₤12 fee for unpaid payment
- ₤12 late fee
- ₤12 exceeding credit limit fee
How To Apply
When you are ready to apply for whichever of the two cards will suit your needs, you will head over to the Creation website and check your eligibility. This is done by filling out preliminary applications. For this, you will need to have some information handy.
You should have contact and financial information as well as proof of residency and employment ready when you begin this process.
Then, once your eligibility is checked and approved, you will then move on with a more in-depth application. After everything is said and done and the application is submitted, all that is left is to wait for the decision.

Keep in mind that your credit limit will be determined based on an evaluation of your financial and credit background. If you are interested in contacting Creation Credit Cards, you can reach them via the information below.
You can get in touch with the company at 03713769214. You can also write and send your mail to Creation Customer Enquiries, Chadwick House, Blenheim Court, Solihull, B91 2AA. You can also check them out online by clicking Creation credit cards.
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using credit. Consult the institution's terms and conditions page for more information.