Pre-production Blu-ray PC Disc Burner review at CT Magazine

DaemonSyn used our news submit to tell us I4U is reporting that the German site  CT magazine got their hands on a pre-production Samsung Blu-ray Burner for PCs and published a review.

The Samsung SH-B022 features a 2x BD Disc writing speed. A 25GB BD disc took 43:40min. to burn. The review about this Samsung Blu-ray drive is pretty positive. The final version will also support double layer BD discs with 50GB capacity. What is also still missing in the SH-B022 is the AACS copy protection, which is still not finalized.

The Samsung Blu-ray burner is supposed to sell for around $500 in April. To use it to playback HD movies on your PC you need apparently at least a 3Ghz CPU and a 128MB Graphics-Card that supports that support copy protection interfaces HDMI, DVI or HDCP.
More details in this report on Heise (German). 


Hmmm, I thought AACS was finalised during CES...

Source: i4U

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