Today we post proof that the recent screenshot from Android Kitkat / KeyLimePie is real. In the Chrome bug tracker we found an image that has the same pie-like debug icon. Previously we posted a screenshot of the Nexus 5 together with screenshots from a 10 MB log we obtained. Several people were in doubt the screenshot was real and therefore we decided to look for a publicly available source.
Update: Just In: Nexus 5 Camera contains novelty and all the other details you should know
The screenshot from today, taken from the Chrome bug tracker, shows that we shouldn't expect a colorful design as was rumored. Unless colors can be adjusted with a theme, we found references to theming in the log file but are unsure if it will really become a feature. Strangely enough the icons in the notifications area are now blue again instead of white like in the previous screenshot.
Latest screenshot on the left, screenshot from two days ago on the right
In the Chrome bug tracker the developers talk about a large memory consumption of the Chrome browser on Android 4.4. In the end the issue gets moved to the next milestone as non essential which indicates the issue is more about an optimization than an actual issue.
The screenshot from today has a resolution of 1280x768 which according to our co-reseacher indicates it's taken from a Nexus 4, in contrary to the screenshot we posted earlier coming from the unreleased Nexus 5.
Last but not least, here's an overview of hardware we found so far, excluding the sensors we posted before:
- CPU: Qualcomm MSM 8974
- GPU: Qualcomm, Adreno (TM) 330
- Backlight
- Broadcom NFC chip
- Maximintegrated battery sensor
- Powermanagement IC
- Board: LGE rev_10
- Panel: JDI 1080p command mode dsi panel
- Security: QSEECOM (Qualcomm Secure Execution Environment Communicator)
- Analogix Slimport transmitter
- TI USB adaptor/charger
- SD card technology: Qualcomm
- Voltage sensor: Qualcomm's QPNP PMIC Voltage ADC Arbite
Are you aware that some of your Blu-ray backups might mute the audio after 20 minutes? Read here why
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