The author of DVDRanger, who claimed to have broken the Cinavia protection has decided to back up his claim by posting videos to demonstrate that it works. Fragments of a movie were posted on Sendspace and the links were made available to Myce visitors. The results have not yet been confirmed but it's an interesting new episode in the Cinavia saga. We recommend keeping an eye on the thread and trying it yourself. Several users, including Myce members have pre-ordered software from DVDRanger as the company announced to release a module that would deal with the Cinavia Blu-ray copy protection.

This protection has become mandatory on Blu-ray players since 2012 and e.g. the Playstation 3 is able to detect copied discs that are protected by the Cinavia protection. While the protection has been broken by e.g. DVDFab, the developers of the protection have continuously been able to update it in such a way that it continues to protect the content of movie studios against illegal copying and thus also preventing the creation of personal backups. The module of DVDRanger would deal with the protection in such a way that it's futureproof.
The release of the Cinavia removing module of DVDRanger has been heavily delayed and is part of an ongoing discussion on our forums in which the author of DVDRanger also contributes. The authors first stated that there was a bug that delayed the release of the software and currently state to be suffering from legal actions from Sony. Due to the heavy delays many members doubt that the Cinavia module exists and works. The posted videos should prove that the module indeed exists and works.
The Cinavia protection works by preventing playback of protected Blu-Rays and DVDs on newer Blu-Ray players by incorporating a watermark that is checked against a key which is part of the AACS protection. For example, if a pirate would use a camera to record a movie in a movie theater, the protection would see a movie theatre watermark, instead of a consumer movie watermark and if it finds something else than it expects it will stop playback of the disc.