There is nothing more painstaking than producing an error-free piece of writing that exactly matches the given requirements. Be it a college assignment, a blog post, an ebook, or even a novel, your sanity is under the scanner.
As it is said, “Practice makes perfect”, a sure shot way to bolster your writing skills is to write endlessly. While writing can take many forms, what you choose to do with your creativity and skillset depends entirely on the motive and the task at hand.
Even though you can write for ages, it does not mean that mere scribbling will be enough. You need something more to travel from plinth to paramount. In this article, we provide a list of the top 10 tips that will help you become a better writer. Read on to learn more.

Treat It Like a Job
Consider the habit of writing every day like clockwork. Write religiously each and every day, no matter the length and depth of what you write. And with time, you will realize how this traditional method works wonders in improving your writing style.
Complement Writing With Reading
The writing industry is still debating the connection between reading and writing. Authors talk about “deep reading” or interactive reading that is akin to personalizing with the subject matter.
In the end, the scales are lower on the fact that reading indeed makes you a better writer. So, if you haven’t started yet, pick up a book of your liking, and start reading.
Make Outlines
Create a plan for how you wish to write an article. Outlines are particularly helpful for writing on complex subjects and topics, and can help you produce a precise and killer copy.
How you may ask? It will break down the task into smaller sub-sections and give you a clearer direction on how to elaborate the most intricate points.
Be a Ruthless Editor
Once you have written a copy, proofread and edit it until it reads smoothly. Try to develop the eye of a detail-oriented editor. Every single word or sentence that you edit will help. Question yourself repeatedly and see if you can make it even better.
Separate the Wheat From the Chaff
This means that you must learn to extract the authentic content from the fluff. If you pay attention to your editing skills, you will observe that some sentences or phrases repeat themselves.
Work on learning to identify and eliminate this recurrent usage of words and sentences in the successive pieces that you write.
Simplicity Is a Virtue
John Grisham, a best selling author, elucidates on three types of words. One, “Words that every one of us knows”, second, “Words that we all should know”, and third, “Words that nobody knows”.
Case in point, “Useful”, “Effective”, and “Efficacious” convey the same meaning, yet they can differ among the readership. That's why phrases that are easy to read and understand get higher attention and more engagement. So, why not stick with them?
Make Short and Crisp Sentences
This tip is highly subjective and depends on the reader. Having said that, the majority of the content requirements demand short sentences. It not only increases the reader’s attention span, but also increases engagement and a sense of connectedness with the author.
Write Naturally
When you've put your best writing shoes on, it is a good idea to write as naturally as possible. Don’t overdo the requirements or add filler words to make the article look more authentic and sophisticated.
Learn to Find the Needle in the Haystack
This means that you should be good at research. There is a ton of content on the web that you can crawl through to get what you want.
So, bring out your inner Sherlock Holmes and start looking at information in a digestible format to understand it and present the content in a way that brings value to your readers but also keeps them engaged, and wanting more.
Accept Your Mistakes

This piece of advice ought to be followed in all spheres of life and career, including writing. Not only can acknowledging your mistakes open up your mind to improve your most prominent errors, but it can also help you to become a better writer, editor, and proofreader.
Everybody is a writer until they get the chance to experience it closely. While there's a plethora of advice available here and there, it is with constant hard work and determination that one can write a piece that resonates deeply with a reader.
These 10 tips will pave the way for you to jumpstart your writing journey, no matter in what field you are working.