Sony to offer ITV and Blu-ray movies before DVD

Sony plans to release "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" through Internet-enabled televisions (ITV) and on Blu-ray before the hit movie is released on DVD.

Movie studios have worked closely with manufacturers and third party companies to develop new methods to distribute content directly to consumers.  Hollywood remains hesitant to change its movie distribution model -- DVDs were always released and marketed heaviest, but that is now changing more towards Blu-ray and streaming online video.

Owners of Internet-enabled Sony Bravia TVs and Sony Blu-ray players will be able to watch a copy of the movie from Dec. 8 to Jan. 4, with the DVD release scheduled for Jan. 5.  Sony eventually will roll out streaming movies for purchase before DVD release through the PlayStation 3 game console. It's unknown if streaming Sony movies will be available on non-Sony platforms.


As Hollywood continues to try and find new revenue streams, Sony's methods are complicated further since the company, co-founder and supporter of Blu-ray, has to promote movies and hardware solutions.  Furthermore, Internet-based services are expected to grow in popularity, as more consumers purchase Blu-ray players, set-top boxes, and video game consoles that have wired and wireless Internet support.

Analysts still believe Internet-enabled TVs are still years away from popularity, but it seems that is the direction the industry is moving towards.

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