70% of british prefer physical DVD or Blu-ray over Video on Demand

DVD and Blu-ray remain popular, according to a report from the British Video Association. More than 22 million british bought a DVD or Blu-ray movie last year, while 3.3 million subscribed to a Video on Demand service like Netflix or Amazon Prime Instant.

BluRayDisc Mirrors

Although video streaming wins in popularity, 73% of the British video market is sold on physical discs. It appears owning a video, instead of paying for a stream or rental of a disc, is still something special for most consumers, with 70% of consumers paying to keep and just 30% paying to rent movies.

Owning a disc firmly remains the preference over a digital download and this is driven primarily by family viewing. 92% of consumers’ expenditure is on physical discs and just 8% on digital video. And Blu-ray Disc sales grew 10% in 2013, as consumers appreciated watching video in high definition, as sales of jumbo screen TVs continued to grow, with 50”+ up 21% last year.

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