ASRock to improve your internet browsing - wait a minute!?

Some strange 'special' news from ASRock today, the company has issued a press release that states that the Taiwanese motherboard manufacturer is going to improve internet browsing. As ASRock is well known for their innovative motherboards that news  immediately drew our attention. We expected some special technology inside the motherboards that would accelerate something related to the WiFI/Ethernet or some optimization of some kind.

Unfortunately we felt fooled when reading the release, the claim of ASRock to  'offer better browsing' is nothing more than bundling the world's most used browser Google Chrome and the Google Toolbar on their driver CD.

Yes, you read that right. ASRock has issued a press release announcing they will improve internet browsing and all they do is offering Google Chrome on their driver disk. What more to expect? They will enhance your computer security by adding AVG Free on their driver disk? Or increasing your multimedia experience by putting VLC on the disk? We can't wait for more innovation!

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