AT&T to allow VoIP on 3G network

Under heavy pressure from wireless subscribers, AT&T has reversed course and is now going to allow iPhone subscribers to use Skype and other Internet VoIP applications that were not not initially allowed.

"Today's decision was made after evaluating our customers' expectations and use of the device compared to dozens of others we offer," AT&T Mobility & Consumer Markets head Ralph de la Vega said in a statement.

Previously, many subscribers were disgruntled that AT&T continually denied access of such apps on its network.  Now, iPhone users will be able to use VoIP apps on the AT&T 3G network, which were previously blocked due to concerns of network congestion.


Skype users had the ability to use the service using the iPhone's built-in Wi-Fi capability, but not over the data network.  In addition to Skype, Vonage, Truphone and other VoIP apps are now available, but they have all been relegated to Wi-Fi use only.

Apple publicly applauded AT&T's decision -- perhaps bending under pressure related to analysts and subscribers wanting to see the iPhone make a move to Verizon Wireless -- and said more VoIP apps will become available.

"We are very happy that AT&T is now supporting VoIP applications," Apple spokespeople said.  "We will be amending our developer agreements to get VoIP apps on the App Store and in our customers' hands as soon as possible."

It remains unknown if Google Voice will be supported, which is an app that many iPhone owners are anxious to see support for.

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