Japanese hardware brand Buffalo has announced an external Thunderbolt SSD. The drives are more or less an SSD upgrade of their HD-PATU3 series harddisks and should become available in capacities of 128 GB and 256 GB. The harddisk series also use the Thunderbolt interface, but Buffalo claims that the SSDs will be three times as fast. The HDD versions are able to reach read speeds of 110 MB/S the new SSDs should achieve 330MB/s sequential read speeds.
The SSD drives come in an aluminium case with two interfaces. Besides the mentioned Thunderbolt interface it's also possible to connect using USB 3.0. Unfortunately no performance indication of the USB 3.0 version is given but as it is, in theory, capable of nearly the same speeds, we expect it to be similar.
It's also unclear which SSDs the brand will fit in the cases. The drive will be shipped using Apple's HFS filesystem but, of course, also can be used with Windows systems. Buffalo has not disclosed pricing and availability details.