DeUHD now warns when previously unsupported disc is supported in new version

The latest DeUHD version now shows a notifications when an Ultra HD Blu-ray disc that was previously unsupported by the software, can now be ripped. The feature should save users from spending time on scanning new discs when a new version of DeUHD is released.

(Image credit: Forum user HEVC)

Nearly each new version of DeUHD is accompanied by reports from users on our forum on which movies are now supported for them. While DeUHD developer Arusoft shares the supported movies on its website, it's hard to see which new movies have been recently added to the supported movies list.

From DeUHD and onwards this should now be less time consuming. The software will now show a popup notification with movies that were previously found unsupported by the user but which should be supported with the new version.

The feature was requested by forum user jmone1 about a week ago. The company also stated it will make it easier for users to submit data to the company that assists them in support more new movies.

Want to try DeUHD yourself? Then grab version (.EXE 10.9 MB - Virustotal results), you can test 3 discs and playback about 10 minutes for free.

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