Latest 'Modern Warfare 3' lag fix delivers mixed results

"Modern Warfare 3" developer Infinity Ward pushed out its latest patch to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 players on Thursday to address mounting complaints over the hit title's lag-ridden online multiplayer mode. While past attempts to iron out the problem have proven unsuccessful, did the company get it right this time?

Infinity Ward Creative Strategist Robert Bowling said earlier this week on Twitter that the studio was putting the finishing touches on an update meant to go live before Thanksgiving. According to Bowling, the hot fix would correct "laggy games, stat loss prevention, and more."

Following its release on Thursday, some in the online community swore nothing had changed.

One particularly vocal critic at the official "Modern Warfare 3" forum claimed the new patch actually made the game even worse despite his "very good Internet."

"What fun is it to play if you're penalized so much for good internet that you are shot around a corner before you ever see your opponent," he asked. The incensed player demanded the game studio fix the "unplayable garbage" once and for all.

Some responded that the game plays perfectly for them, that they don't experience any sort of lag whatsoever. Others, however, commiserated that pulling host in an online match is a literal death sentence.

A quick test of our own on the Xbox 360 proved there are still kinks to iron out. Simply entering the multiplayer mode causes the game to stutter. And yes, enemies still enjoyed that annoying split second advantage - the calling card of the controversial lag compensation system being blamed for the entire mess.

Have you encountered any online problems in Modern Warfare 3? Let us know in the comment section.

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