Microsoft CEO: 'We got some things wrong in Windows 8'

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella admits his company  has made mistakes in the user experience of Windows 8. But, according to Nadella, the company is making progress. Microsoft frankly admits that Windows 8 didn't have an optimal user experience, something consumer and enterprise users already found out.


Despite the errors made in the past, Nadella is positive about Windows 10. Microsoft latest OSt will have three major improvements. "Let's face it, we got some things wrong in Windows 8", said Nadella during the Gartner Symposium in Orlando.

Skipping Windows 8, like many users previously did with Windows Vista, will be made good with the new Windows, Nadella hopes. "There are three things that we are thinking hard about when we think about Windows moving forward. It doesn’t mean one user experience for all form factors but consistency that makes sense when using any one of those devices."

The other two improvements Nadella mentions are the IT component which Nadella explains as getting identity packaging, device management and data security right.The last improvement will be for the developer who will have the Universal Windows Application platform.

Windows 8 has a mere market share of about 12%, where the outdated Windows XP still holds 24%. Windows 7 is still by far the most popular Windows version with  a market share of more than 50%. The last group also has to be persuaded to migrate to Windows 10 which is planned for 2015.

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