Microsoft listened to you: now provides full release notes for Windows 10 updates

Microsoft will provide more information about updates for Windows 10 again. The release notes of updates of Microsoft latest operating system were often unclear and after feedback of Windows users, the company has decided to change that. A new page called Windows 10 Update History should show more details on each update.


Since the release of Windows 10 in July the company has released numerous updates for Windows 10. Often the release notes didn't clearly state what was changed and some users complained that Microsoft might force feed updates that could be an invasion of their privacy. Other users complained because they simply want to know what's being installed on their computer.

Whatever the reason is, Microsoft listened and has created a dedicated page which shows release notes and also links to additional information.

The company has also added a 'release information page' that contains information about current releases and an overview of all updates releases for Windows 10.

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