Microsoft to provide users more details on what they share with Windows 10 error reports

Windows 10 will provide users more details on what they share with Microsoft when they submit an error report. The new feature will be part of the Diagnostic Data Viewer, a tool that allows users to view what kind of diagnostic data Microsoft collects about their system to identify and solve crashes and other disruptions.

The Diagnostic Data Viewer currently provides an overview of the diagnostic data that Windows 10 sends to Microsoft. This can include the browse history, installed applications, the system configuration and system health. Microsoft will now also add error reports to the Diagnostic Data Viewer, so users can see which application or component triggered an error and when the error report was submitted.

The new Diagnostic Data Viewer is part of Windows 10 Insider Preview build 17704. An older version, dated December 2017, can be downloaded separately from the Microsoft Store.

Since it's release, Windows 10 has been heavily criticized for the telemetry collected by Microsoft. The company is now working hard to convince users that it takes privacy of users very serious. Also in the announcement of this new feature, the company stresses that privacy of Windows 10 users is important.

The company writes, “our promise to upholding the highest standards of privacy will continue to be a top concern. When you use our products and services, we want you to feel confident that having great experiences and features does not mean sacrificing your privacy. It’s your device. You deserve to know what’s happening on it.”

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