Netflix tests weekly subscriptions

Streaming video provider Netflix is testing weekly subscriptions. In Austria the company now offers weekly subscriptions to its Basic, Standard and Premium plans for €2.49, €2.99 and €3.99 respectively. The company tries to offer cheaper options to lure in more customers.

Monthly Netflix subscriptions are still a better deal. When paid monthly, the Basic, Standard and Premium subscriptions in Austria cost €7.99, €10.99 and €13.99 respectively. If users pay Netflix weekly, the video streaming service costs them  €9.96. €11.96 and €15.96 for every four weeks. Obviously the price difference is even larger when calculated per year.

The test with the weekly subscriptions was reported by the German website Caschy. The website contacted Netflix which confirmed the test and provided Caschy with the following statement (translated from German), “Netflix is currently testing various payment options in small, selected areas. The goal is to make Netflix more enjoyable and accessible to people around the world. In this case, we will easily test different payment options to better understand which payment options members find useful. These tests usually vary in the duration of the test and in the area, so not every potential user performs such test functions.”

We can imagine that the weekly subscriptions could be useful for holidays or for binge watching specific series. Obviously it's still a test so it's unclear whether Netflix will decide to continue with the weekly subscriptions in other markets as well.

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