Users pirating Malwarebytes receive free one year license

Users pirating software of Malwarebytes are offered a free key for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium. The company made the decision as it argues users could have been tricked in buying a counterfeit license of the antivirus software.


It's also possible there's an issue with the used license key and therefore users can now generate a new license key. In order to do so, they need to install the paid version (using a pirated key ) and then describe how they originally received their Malwarebytes license in a dialog inside the software. Besides the new license key, users will also receive a free 12 months license  of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium.

Some users are displeased with the action and want their money back as they argue Malwarebytes rewards software pirates with a free license. In a forum post the CEO of Malwarebytes, Marcin Kleczynski, explains that during the initial development license keys weren't really a priority. Therefore a "a very insecure license key algorithm" was picked which now makes it easy to generate illegal license keys. The issue with the illegal keys is that they sometimes collide with legal keys. Meanwhile the antivirus vendor is using a new licensing algorithm that is slowly released in stages.

"The only problem is that we have millions of users that we've sold keys to, or a reseller has sold keys to, or we've given out keys to without keeping track. It is a mess, and you as a consumer have every right to be upset", Kleczynski writes in the post. Therefore the company first wants to see which license keys are active and by whom they are used.

"If you are a true pirate, the furthest you will get is a year's worth of Malwarebytes", according to the CEO. He also notes that he would have loved to validate all keys manually but that with millions of keys this is not realistic.

Users that feel cheated can contact the CEO,  "I am happy to work with you on some free shirts, or a free copy of anti-exploit as you continue to support us through this process."

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