VSO Software officially releases Blu-ray and AVCHD creator ConvertXtoHD

VSO Software today announced the official release of their Blu-ray and AVCHD creation software ConvertXtoHD. The software is the successor to VSO’s hit software ConvertXtoDVD and can be used to convert and burn Blu-ray discs from any video format.  ConvertXtoHD accepts a wide array of input video formats and is able to output to either DVD-5, DVD-9, BD-25, BD-50 or a custom format.


Changes are shown in real time with a live preview feature and it's possible to add subtitles and audio, to adjust synchronization, rotate videos, cut out sections of the videos and many more ways of editing and personalizing the video. Videos are converted simultaneously and optimized for multi-core processing and Nvidia Cuda/NVENC and INTEL QuickSync hardware optimizations will be used for encoding and decoding when possible.

More information and downloads can be found on the VSO Software website. Existing VSO customer can get ConvertXtoHD with a 20% discount, if they request a coupon on the VSO website. Discuss this in our Movie Copy Forum.

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