Windows 8 sees growth at expense of Windows XP - Windows 7 remains number one

Last month Windows 8 saw a big increase in users,  while the share of XP users is falling consistently after Microsoft cut off support for that version of Windows in April. Approximately 16.8 percent of all internet users are now using Windows 8 or higher.


The numbers are gathered by Net Applications which tracks operating system usage on a large number of websites. Windows 7 remains by far the largest, with a market share of 53.05 percent. A number that's been pretty stable the last couple of months. Windows 8 on the other hand saw an increase in users. In October Windows 8 had a market share of 5.88% and Windows 8.1 was good for 10.92%. Combined Windows 8 gained a market share of 16.80% which is an increase of 3.54% compared to September

The growth of Windows 8 and above seems to have gone largely at the expense of Windows XP. The outdated OS saw a decline in October to 17.18%, while it was 23.87% a month earlier. Nevertheless, Windows 8's market share is still slightly lower than Windows XP

In recent months, Windows 8's marketshare barely grew. Compared with August, Windows 8 saw a decline in market share in September. The sudden shift indicates that many users have upgraded their system from Windows XP to Windows 8.1.

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