Youtube to offer up to $1 million of legal assistance to video creators

Youtube is going to offer video creators up to $1 million on legal assistance to protect them against copyright owners that want to force them to take their videos offline. The company's Copyright Legal Director announced this in a blogpost.


Videos that according to Youtube adhere to the fair use policy but of which copyright owners demand that they have to be removed remain on the video portal. Video creators get up to $1 million on legal assistance to defend themselves in court.

The company offers legal support to a handful of videos that it believes represent clear fair uses which have been subject to DMCA takedowns. Currently companies use this law to have large numbers of videos removed from Youtube.

Google argues not all of these takedown requests are valid, because some videos are protected by fair use, a crucial exception to copyright law. This means it's possible to use video of other parties when that's done in a limited and specific way.

Not all Youtube creators are offered legal assistance. Only a limited group of video creators is offered assistance to defend themselves.

By providing legal assistance to video creators Youtube hopes to provide a better understanding on fair use and the American law.

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