How to Get Notes and Chips in 8 Ball Pool

8 Ball Pool allows you to play pool online with other players around the world. This game can be quite entertaining!

The game rewards you with in-game coins. These help you purchase higher quality cues, and they enable you to play tables with higher stakes than normal.

You will find some great tips and effective tricks in this article. This information will help you earn more coins and help you become a better player.

Choose Your Tables Wisely

As a beginner, you are always faced with the risk of falling prey to some shark who just wants to take you for all you got. There are quite a few types of tables available for you to play, but these tables also require different entry fees to be paid.

It is suggested that you stick to the lower levels at first, such as the Downtown London Pub, in order to get a better understanding of the skills and tactics required to rank up in the game. Once you have managed to do so, we suggest that you move up to Sydney

The pots grow as the fees increase in value. Thus, there is much more money to be earned by playing at more advanced tables as long as you have attained the skills and the required know-how.

Open the App Every Day

It is always a good idea to be able to check the app on a daily basis even if you do not have the required time to play a table. You can download the game on any Android or iOS device, so you can have it with you wherever you go.

 The Spin and Win lever gives you one spin per day, which can improve your chances of earning coins, mystery boxes, and even cash within the game. 

All of these will enable you to build better items within the game, such as better cues. More spins can be purchased if you desire to do so, and free spins can be also earned sometimes. 

By checking your app on a daily basis, you increase your chances of earning more coins and even cash. Plus, you can spin even though you might not have the required time to play a table at that given moment.

Buy a Better Cue

By purchasing a better cue, you manage to gain an advantage that will help you earn more coins. You will have better chances of winning if you manage to upgrade your cue as fast as possible. 

Upgrading your cue will increase the cues’ efficiency in a number of areas. These areas include control, speed, and power.

Use a Little English

The spin that you put on the cue ball is called English, and it will enable you to hit the balls with better efficiency. You just tap on the ball in the direction you want it to spin and that is it.

Shoot Faster

Running out of time while preparing your shot can be a frustrating experience. Dragging and tapping the pool table surface just in front of your cue will help you have a precise shot while shooting within the time frame you are given so that you don’t waste your shot.

Extend Your Aim

Lining up the cue ball and the targeted ball will enable you to see possible outcomes once the shot has been taken. Better aim can be achieved by using a straight-edged piece of paper or post-it notes.

Hold the piece of paper between the cue ball and the place you want to shoot it as the shot is being lined up. Doing so will help you better understand the accuracy of your shot - just try to be as quick as possible so you do not run out of time.


These tips should help you earn more coins and gain some wins if you are new to 8 Ball Pool. Your performance will most definitely get better, and you will stumble upon more advanced techniques and tactics as you progress through the game.

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