There are a lot of things that you can do and buy using a credit card. Yet sometimes, it can be very burdensome to pay back the entire amount that you have just purchased. This is why a lot of credit card providers nowadays offer installment plans to their cardholders.
One such credit card is the GO Mastercard credit card. This card promises to provide you with a wide variety of financing options so you can pay your bills on time without having to worry about paying back the full amount at once. You also get favorable fees, benefits, and more with the card.
Interested to learn more? Check out this guide on how to apply online for the GO Mastercard credit card.
GO Mastercard Credit Card Features and Benefits
The GO Mastercard credit card has a wide variety of features and benefits including no annual fees and different installment plans that you can avail when you make purchases using the card.
The card is made for those who want to shop and pay using their credit cards. The GO Mastercard credit card offers 55 days of interest-free period which you can take advantage of by making different purchases.
The card also does not have an annual fee but you will be charged $9.95 for the monthly fee if you have a remaining balance of more than $10.
This should encourage you to pay your balance in full if you do not want to get charged a monthly fee.
Available Installment Plans to Choose From
The GO Mastercard credit card offers a lot of features, especially for those who want to pay in installments. While the card does not provide a lot of rewards, it can help you pay off your bills by allowing you to pay in installments.
There are three different kinds of installment plans that you can avail of with this credit card. First is the equal monthly plan where you can pay the same amount every month. This plan varies and is only available at select times of the year. The minimum monthly plan lets you pay the minimum monthly due and then make extra payments when you have available funds.
The Buy Now Pay Later plan is offered to cardholders who want to make a purchase and want to pay the entire amount at a later date or until the end date of the plan.
Is the GO Mastercard Credit Card Right For You?
With all those benefits that you can get, you might ask yourself if the GO Mastercard credit card is the right card for you.
While other credit cards offer almost the same features and benefits, this credit card offers features designed specifically for those who are into shopping and looking to have a Buy Now Pay Later plan.
This card is intended for shoppers who often use such installment plans so they can afford to purchase the things that they like.
With thousands of partner stores and establishments for you to use the card, shopping and paying right away is now a thing of the past with the GO Mastercard credit card.
Make Payments Through the Latitude GO Mastercard App
With the help of the varying installment plans of the GO Mastercard credit card, you can finally pay for large purchases with the card. Your monthly bill will consist of breakdowns of the entire purchase alongside the interest rates and other charges.
Making payments is also very convenient with the help of the Latitude app. You can download the app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. You can set up automatic charges on your due date or a few days before so that you never miss a single payment and get charged fees.
The app also lets you manage all of your finances under one hub so you will never have to download or use anything else to access your money.
Rates and Fees
The GO Mastercard credit card currently has a purchase rate of 25.90% and 55 interest-free days on purchases.
The card also has no offer for a balance transfer rate. The cash advance rate is 25.90%, with a fee of 3% of the total amount or $3 whichever is greater.
While there is no annual fee for the card, you will pay $9.95 every month, amounting to $119.40 per year, if carry a remaining balance of $10.
The late payment fee is $35 so be sure to pay your bills on time or risk paying more. Cardholders are also charged a 3% foreign exchange margin if used abroad.
Contact the Bank
If you have further inquiries or you want to apply for the card, you can always call them at their customer service line using the number - 1300 462 273. A bank representative will be willing to provide you with even more information and assist you with your concerns.
You can also send them a mail through the mailing address at GPO Box 1300. Melbourne VIC 3001.
Check If You're Eligible for the GO Mastercard
You can apply for the GO Mastercard credit card and be approved within 10 minutes after you submit your application. But before that can happen, you need to know if you are eligible for the card first.
Applicants need to be Australian citizens or permanent residents and must be 18 years old and above. Temporary residents can still apply if they have a valid visa with no less than 12 months of validity.
Prepare documents that have your personal details such as your name, date of birth, and many other information. A driver's license is a good example of this. You must also provide employment details such as recent payslips and bank statements.
Lastly, you are required to provide proof of income and details of your regular household expenses like utility bills and mortgage payments. Applicants will also undergo a credit check through Latitude Financial.
How to Apply for the GO Mastercard Credit Card
Once you have your credit history checked and you have all the documents ready, you can head over to the official website to apply. Select the card that you want to apply for and click on "Apply Now".
Fill out the application form and upload the necessary required documents alongside your details. Make sure that you review the details and the terms and conditions before you submit. You can get approval in as little as 10 minutes after submitting your application but it is best that you wait until you receive the official statement.
Once you receive approval, there will be further instructions on how you can get the card and how to activate it so you can start using it immediately.
If you want to have a credit card but do not want very high interest rates then the Go Mastercard credit card is the right one for you. You can make urgent purchases without having to worry about paying for it immediately. With their great installment plans, you always have a financing option with the Go Mastercard credit card.
Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.
Also read: TF Bank Mastercard Gold - Discover the Advantages