In a time where the economy continues to suffer, individuals around the world make it a point to save up and value their hard-earned money. One way to do this is by having reliable cashback credit cards in your arsenal. This type of facility provides cardholders with rebates from the purchases they have just bought using their card.
What makes these offerings one of the best in the industry is their generous rebates and offers. Apart from this, cashback rewards can be used to avail of a variety of bank offerings, including paying for fees. With the right product, you can expect smooth, seamless, and rewarding transactions that allow you to get your money’s worth.
Looking for the best cashback cards in the United Kingdom? Look no further. We have compiled the top three offerings, in no particular order, that are worthy of your time.
Barclaycard Rewards Card
True to its name, this Visa-powered Barclaycard Rewards Card gives you the chance to earn 0.25% cashback for your everyday spending – and this is valid up to August 21, 2023. In the form of cashback rewards, your rebates will automatically be paid into your account and reflected in your billing statement. Designed for daily use, this dependable offering makes cashback access and rewards simple with every purchase.
With no annual fees and an attractive variable APR of 22.9%. Cardholders can enjoy using the Barclaycard Rewards Card for purchases. Also, it comes with a maximum of 56 days of an interest-free period, allowing you to ease the cost of big-ticket items without incurring further expenses.
For more information, feel free to reach Barclaycard at their registered address at 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. You may also call them at their customer services hotline at 0800 151 0900.
Aqua Reward Cashback Credit Card
Want an even bigger reward? The Aqua Reward Cashback Credit Card powered by Mastercard offers 0.5% cashback up to £100 on each transaction.
Automatically paid into your account. This handsome offering is for individuals who are looking to build (or rebuild) their credit. Besides giving a generous credit limit starting at £250, you also get to increase the limit provided you pay your dues on time.
There is no annual fee and no extra fees when used abroad. The Aqua Reward Cashback Credit Card has a variable representative APR of 34.9%. Meanwhile, balance transfer have a charge of 3% with a minimum of £3.
For further queries, contact Aqua at 0333 220 2691. You may also visit them at 7 Handyside Street, London, N1C 4DA.
American Express Platinum Cashback Everyday Credit Card
Perhaps one of the most competitive cards out there is the American Express Platinum Cashback Everyday Credit Card. Apart from offering a hefty 5% cashback up to £100 for the first three months as part of its welcome offer, it also gives users a substantial 1% to 1.25% cashback after the first three months. The best thing about this is that it does not have any cap on rewards earned, unlike other competitors on the field.
Other enviable features attached to this offering includes welcome cashback bonuses, travel accident insurance, exclusive rewards, flexible payment terms, and more.
The American Express Platinum Cashback Everyday Credit Card has a representative 22.9% variable APR for purchases and balance transfers. Its minimum credit limit is already a substantial £700.
For questions and other concerns, call American Express at 0800 917 8047. You can also set an appointment at their office located at Amex House, 1 John Street, Brighton, BN88 1AH.
Saving your money and managing your finances well can be done with the help of a cashback card. Want to get one today? First, make sure to go over these options and you’re sure to find a worthy choice.
*Note: There are risks involved when applying for and using a credit card. Consult the bank’s terms and conditions page for more information.
Also read: Which Credit Cards Offer The Best Rewards In The UK