51GB HD DVD has yet to be approved

Even though there have been reports about Toshiba's 51GB HD DVD being submitted for approval, apparently Toshiba has responded saying that not only has the format not been submitted, but they are puzzled to what sparked off the initial reports saying they had.  Apparently, Toshiba's last announcement was about the 51GB disc at the CES in Last Vegas, but that was back in January.

This 51GB disc is currently under development and has attracted quite a bit of attention due to its capacity and being slightly ahead of Blu-ray's dual-layer 50GB disc.  This disc is composed of three 17GB layers, which makes up its 51GB capacity.  While Toshiba has yet to apply for approval, they mentioned back in January that they hoped to get approval some time this year.  

Further information on this can be found on these WesleyTech and PC World reports.

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