A small CD Freaks Note...

A little note from the CD Freaks team. As you all see we try to bring you some more news on the main page lately. More updates from programs, more hardware news, more mp3 news, more DVD news etc etc. Everyday we work hard to bring you the latest news on different kinds of topics.

But we would like to ask you something: react on our news!

We make this page for YOU, so we would like to know how YOU think. We would like to interact with our visitors, we want to know your opinion!

You don't have to write a complete story, but also small reactions like 'nice program', 'I'm going to try this to', 'thanks for the tip' etc etc helps us a lot! It's really nice for us when we check the page and we see many people have reacted on a news item. It makes us feel good.

To react on a news item just click on 'React on this newsposting' on the bottom of this news. It's not that hard. U only have to be registered (you can do this here, only a username and email address required).

Thank you!

Source: CD Freaks

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