Aimster going to court

In fear of being treated just like Napster was by the RIAA, Aimster went to court before the RIAA could do so.

Last month, Aimster received a letter from the RIAA in wich was demanded to stop with their service providing copyrighted material.

Aimster was smart. They built their program in such a way that traffic using Aimster can't be viewed because all data is encrypted. In exchange for that, people had to "promise" that they wouldn't use the service for any illegal filetransfers....

The RIAA still thinks that Aimster should be shut down, but Aimster doesn't think they are doing anything illegal. If Aimster wins this trial, the RIAA will be weakened..

A big difference between Aimster and other services like Napster is that Aimster only provides sharing with groups (friends or whatever).

Personally, I'm going to like Aimster

Source: Webwereld

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