AllofMP3 paid royalties, but...

....John Kheit, an intellectual property attorney representing Mediaservices, added that no U.S. labels have ever attempted to claim royalties even though said royalties are earmarked and balanced if labels come forward and request them.

In so doing (not claiming the royalties), somehow the RIAA can file on grounds of 'infringement,' when the payments have been collected?  The RIAA's argument is tantamount to some kind of collection agency arguing it "never received payment" when it received the payments but never cashed them.  The article further goes on to state U.S. entities have not claimed said payments because it would be a de-facto stamp of approval on AllOfMP3's sales and music distribution.  How can it be that an organization such as the RIAA is allowed to make these claims (where they are false, the RIAA should be sued for slander every time, or libel when they are printed) of some organization operating 'outside of the law,' yet the RIAA was offered the very sums it seeks to collect?  Any thinking person that can do basic deduction could only deduce on the face of these actions alone that the RIAA is NOT interested in representing the artists and 'defending' their interests, but rather is only interested in what money it can collect by bullying and intimidation to line its own pockets.

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