Any DRM-loosening on the horizon?

In another article that frankly seems baseless in its predictions, its title leads us to believe the music industry will en masse decide to significantly reduce DRM protections.  The problem with this assertion is that it provides no figures as to what will cause this phenomenon, just general facts we already know--that music sales aren't increasing because of DRM.

It would most definitely help if there were some concrete percentages of the decline in sales, especially with the fact PC Mag should have some amount of 'insider clout.'  While it points us to 5 possible areas of 'relaxation' of the norm, the Limewire possibility (as stated) will not encourage legal downloads at $1 each.  eMusic's reach with major labels on its monthly subscription is extremely limited.  MySpace at best will offer indie music.  Even the alleged popularity Amazon has with the customer is not quantified, not enough to inspire confidence it will lead to such a major forsaking of dropping DRM by just 'being there.'  Finally, while Yahoo Music has made a few interesting offerings from known musicians, it is so small in reach as to not inspire confidence any forthcoming larger offerings.  In short, the article doesn't send a clear message DRM will be quickly abandoned, and seems more to just hope music executives will 'see the light.'  Given the recent announced increase in lawsuits from the German branch of the IFPI, and the RIAA's unabated 'dragnet' bullying by lawsuit, what real signs exist that DRM will soon be dismantled in favor of pre-DRM offerings?

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