Arrowkey releases utility to check actual write speed, TimeWrite

Gravurecity and H-EvA-K both let us know that Arrowkey has released a new utility called TimeWrite. With TimeWrite you can easily check the actual write speed of your CD-recorder:

TimeWrite checks actual vs. advertised writer speed!

CD and DVD writers are rated and compared using the 'x" factor which measures their speed in writing to a disc. This factor is based on one 'x" being the speed at which an audio CD is played for CD devices, with a similar but faster data transfer rate for DVD devices. Unfortunately for the buyer, this is not a particularly useful measurement, nor is it an indication of how fast the device actually is.

Arrowkey is offering the free TimeWrite program to assist our customers and optical media users in general interested in the 'real" performance of their CD writer. This program tests your CD writer in three different modes: variable packet writing, fixed packet writing and track-at-once continuous writing. Included is an 'upload" capability allowing you to send your testing results to Arrowkey.

We of course already knew that current CD-recorders do not reach their maximum write speed until the end of the write process but if you're interested in testing your writer, then check out TimeWrite here. Please discuss this software in our Burning Software Forum.

Source: TimeWrite

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