Australian recording firms ask to scan university computers

In order to track digital pirates on the University of Melbourne, the recording companies have asked the Federal Court of Australia to allow their computer experts to scan the computers for pirated music. As expected the University objects against this.

The University of Melbourne, which is opposing the recording companies' application for preservation and access, said it had cautioned two students about inappropriate material the MP3 sound files and had disabled the links to record from their personal web pages. It said there was no indication that any copying has been undertaken.

One of the student's web pages had a list of his top 15 songs, with the following invitation: "These are my favourites and here are the links to my MP3 file."

Would you mind if your University allowed scans by the music industry? No ? I already tought so

Read the entire story here. Discuss issues on copyright and life in our CD Freaks LivingRoom.


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