Australians soon able to legally record television and rip MP3s

RTV71 used our news submit to tell us about this great news for our friends down under! 🙂 Attorney General
Philip Ruddock, is making some changes to copyright laws by adding fair use
loopholes that will allow Aussies to record television shows or rip their Cd's
to their MP3 players legally.The only downside
is whether a levy will be placed on blank Cd's and MP3 players, as compensation
to artists for the resulting lost revenue due to these legal moves.

MILLIONS of Australians who tape TV shows and copy CDs will soon get the right to do it with a clear conscience.The Federal Government will next year legalise the video recording of television shows for personal use, and the transfer of songs from CDs to MP3 players, in a bid to overturn a ban which has made criminals of much of the population.

In light of all the negative news we are reading of
late, that seem to have the purpose of undermining fair use rights, this is nice
to see no matter where in the world it is. Good deal.

Source: Entertainment News

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