BMG and Sunncomm to issue copy-protected CD September 23

cdfree used our news submit to give us a heads up that according to Raging Bull forums, Arista Records is teaming up with Sunncomm to release a copy protected CD music album. Of particular interest may be the fact that inserting the album into a PC allegedly not only produces music, but it also gets busy writing to your hard drive in order to limit the amount of times you can burn to a CD. Wow! All this and it only costs $ 13.95!

Arista Records is to be the first BMG Entertainment-owned label to release a commercial copy-protected CD in the U.S., Bulletin has learned. According to sources, the technology will be used on the CD "Comin' From Where I'm From" by singer/songwriter Anthony Hamilton, set for release Sept. 23. Until now, BMG's U.S. labels have used copy-protection technology only on promotional discs. The Hamilton CD will feature technology from Phoenix-based SunnComm Inc. and will be compatible for playback on nearly all CD players, DVD players, car stereos, PCs, Macs and game consoles. Owners of the album will be able to transfer the music to a secure portable device and burn three copies to a CD-R.

In the forum it goes on to say; In addition, according to sources, the disc will feature technology that allows owners of the album to e-mail links to the music to friends. Recipients of the links will be able to download the tracks and listen to them for 10 days. The album will be labeled to inform consumers of the technology and its uses. 

Maybe if consumers stay away in droves, Arista and Anthony will see where "We are comin' from." 


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