BSA swoops on auction site pirate

Submitted by: MP

Source: The Register

The Business Software Alliance (BSA) and Trading Standards launched a dawn raid on a software pirate last week and came up trumps.

Ten of thousands of pounds of pirated software and records relating to their sale on online auction sites were found.

Run with military precision, the operation was mounted after a tip off from two informants.

Mike Newton, BSA campaign manager, spoke for us all when he said: "We estimate that up to nine out of ten software products sold on auction sites are illegal and it is therefore critical that we target these individuals who are duping the consumers."

Sadly Mike didn't have any figures on how many of the consumers actually cared.

We applaud the BSA for fighting to rid us of this sick crime. We can all sleep safer in our beds. ®

We boo the BSA for fighting to get rid of this glorious "crime". We all shiver and tremble when BSA comes knocking at our door...

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