Beautiful girls in here!

Yes our beautiful cow girls are flushing and are very happy! We are fully MKZ free so nothing can happen to us!

Yesterday I saw 77 people flushing. Where is the rest?? Are you to lame to install the client or do you have something against cows?

Our statistics:

Current Rank: 377
Total blocks to search: 68,719,476,736
Total blocks checked: 8,094,181
Days working: 1,088
Overall Rate: 23,113.74 kkeys/second

The top 10 people from yesterday:

Rank Participant Yesterday % 1 4,722 8.18 2 4,405 7.63 3 Kodo 4,129 7.15 4 3,918 6.79 5 Golem@CDR 3,681 6.38 6 3,676 6.37 7 2,860 4.96 8 CHoJiN 2,426 4.20 9 |snp| 2,342 4.06 10 2,043 3.54

I see KoDo in the stats. He just joined (week ago) the CD Freaks team. 4,129 blocks were completed by this user! His user rank went up 6631 ranks

Also is in the TOP10. Member since march 20. Yesterday was his best day ever with 2,043 blocks completed. His motto: Fatta una legge, nasce l'inganno - What the fuck does this mean??

Anyway... join US!

What is RC5? How can I install the client??
Complete team status
I don't get my password! And how do I join your team?

Source: RC5

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