Bees attack NYC GameStop

A swarm of bees made it impossible to enter and leave a New York City GameStop for several hours on Saturday.

WABC reports that thousands of bees descended upon Union Square in Manhattan when a hive became trapped between two building walls. The bees then focused their attention on the East 14th Street GameStop. The store had to close temporarily as employees were trapped inside.

A sign was hung on the window that read, "temporarily closed, due to bee infestation."

After two hours with no relief, WABC called for help, but didn't get far. Police told the news station to call 9-1-1, which said to call 3-1-1, which said to call the Mayor's office. Eventually, a Good Samaritan used a bag to lure some bees away. The NYPD's bee specialist arrived later to remove the hive.

Reportedly, no one was stung in the incident.

Sure, this could have happened to any store, but on a slow news day I'm amused that the bees decided to make GameStop their point of interest. Crave theorizes they were angry about bad bee games such as Buck Bumble and Bee Movie Game, but I think they were just fed up with lousy trade-in rates. That, or they're secretly working for Amazon.

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