Beta release of Winamp 3 and DirectX 8.1

Akira used our newssubmit to tell us:

According to:

WA3 Alpha 6 is now out. Deskmod doesn't seem to work and afterdark seems to think it's still only 5 UX but does work! Am downloading it now!

Here's the changelog:

3.0 Alpha 6 e (4/20/01) build #420

- takes even less memory, smaller .exe, more stable (as usual)

- playlist editor ASSERT bug smushed

- working playlist thingy

- fixed bug where files dropped on bottom of playlist showed up on top

- faster window painting and resizing and shit

- new avs with overlay support!


- skin xml can include other skins' xml files for tinyness

- skin pieces can hold multiple components

- all-in-one skin ("Compact") included, takes up only about 5k

- added support for horizontal animations

- accurate animatedrects are back
- eq latency cut to 2 seconds instead of 7

- eq has sexy curves again!

- skin scripts can have user functions and user classes


- automatically updated build numbers to aid conspiracy theorists

- http status messages added

- more... much more... can't remember

Well some of you might hate the Winamp 3 beta verions, other may like to see the progress in development of the software. Winamp 3 is likely to be the most used Mp3 software on the internet in a while.

Also Microsoft released a beta. DirectX 8.1 has been released for beta testing:

Microsoft released the first beta of DirectX 8.1 to testers this evening. According to the software giant, the "beta release focuses on two key areas. The first is a complete integration into the new Windows XP Operating System. The second area of concentration focused on resolving issues found since the release of DirectX 8.0." New features in version 8.1 include support for high precision texture formats, an AppWizard for Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0, and a new nPatch quadratic interpolation order. The final release of DirectX 8.1 will ship with Windows XP, but will also be available separately for Windows 9x, Me, and 2000.

This beta has only been released to testers, so I don't have an URL. But it will probably be around on the internet soon.

Source: Betanews and Newssubmit

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