BlindWrite 5.2.3 and CopyToDVD 3.0.26 released

Portmac used our news submit to tell us about the release of newer versions of these two softwares.

BlindWrite 5.2.3 and CopyToDVD 3.0.26 released. VMP a.k.a VSO Media player has been added to the download section as a stand alone package.

Blindwrite 5.2.3. changelog:

  • fix a problem with list of drives refresh

CopyToDVD 3.0.26:

  • implement optimized layer break position and fix several manager problems.

If you want to download these updates, or learn more about the software, you can find the information on the VSO-Software website. If you want to discuss these tools,  either Blindwrite or CopyToDVD, you're more than welcome to do so in our Blindwrite & CopyToDVD Forum at Club
CDFreaks. There is already a thread just started for this version of

Source: VSO Software

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