Blu-Ray cinema annnounces Blue Laser 1080p Digital Cinema

Being up to date with the latest technologies is a little expensive once in a while. But of course true CD Freaks are very willing to spend $5999 on a Blu-ray Disc player. For this amount you are the proud owner of a Blu-Ray Cinema Blue Laser 1080p Digital Cinema Player. Altough not really targetted to the normal consumer it's a nice wannahave.

The player features features digital multi-channel audio output and digital video output via DVI-compatible HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface), and an option for broadcast HD-SDI or 2048 x 1556 output.

The 1080p HDTV playback capabilities of the new Blu-Ray Cinema Player are targeted towards the global post-production community. Being a custom built product, the design allows for modular expansion for increased security and functionality to be able to integrate seamlessly into existing facility infrastructures. The 23GB Professional Disc media uses a protective disc enclosure, keeping the media safe from children's fingerprints.

In addition to offering product lines as a dealer for several manufacturers, Blu-Ray Cinema, LLC offers installation and full theater build-out design and consultation services

If you are willing to spend some bucks on this device then you should read the entire press release here. If you would like to discuss Blu-ray products then head over to our Satellite, HD-TV, Blu-ray and HD-DVD Forum.


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