CD Freaks will not update the next 48 hours due to site changes!

Regular CD Freaks visitors know that we usually have news every single day. The next 48 hours however, we will not do any updates. On November the first, CD Freaks v2.0 will be launched, a total new version with more features and a new and improved layout. We really can't wait to show it to you but we have to work hard to get it all done on time. In order to synchronize all our data with the new layout we have to run scripts that convert our current content and while we're doing that, all news items that are posted during that time will not be converted and therefore we decided to stop updating the next 48 hours.

Of course we invite you to Club CD Freaks: where you can discuss this with other CD Freaks members!

We hope to see you back on the first of November and we're looking forward to your responses!

Source: CD Freaks

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