Canadian DVD player owners could get visits from the federal police

If I'm correct Americans like
to make fun of Canadians. Well here's something to fuel the laughs. The
Canadian website reports that Canadian DVD player owners could get a
visit from the federal police because it seems some of them are sending out
signals at a frequency used by the military to track down crashed air planes
(emergency locator transmitters or ELTs).

The signal was believed to be
transmitted by a DVD player, but could also be transmitted by pirated
cards in black-market satellite TV receivers.

Houston recently got a visit from Mounties and representatives of Industry
Canada, which regulates radio communication, at his home in Cold Lake, 290
km northeast of Edmonton.  "(Industry Canada) said they
were picking up higher than normal radio frequencies from (my) house,"
Houston said yesterday.

After some testing, Houston said Industry
Canada focused on his 16-year-old daughter's DVD player.  "He said it
was the same frequency that was causing interference on the jets (from
Cold Lake)," Houston said.  "He said, 'We'll let Ottawa know.' "

Gord Wychopen, a friend of Houston's in Cold Lake, said he got
a similar visit from Industry Canada. "They seemed to focus on a DVD
player we had," said Wychopen. "All he said is it could be the DVD player
emitting the signals."

Altough the article reports that DVD players could be the cause of this,
the article ends that it's only the best guess, but that it's not really
determined if it is really the cause of all the fuss. Read the entire article here.


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