Clone CD Forum...

One of the hardest things that you will find out about burning, is to find out how to pass by the copy protection. Of course you don't want to use a crack for your backup, but you want a normal 1:1 copy.

Unfortunately most game developers tried to stop you from doing this, and made a copy protection like SafeDisc. But then there's CloneCD, that will enable you to make a perfect copy.

But, it doesn't work always the way you want it to do, you have those questions, and nobody to answer them. You go mad, and then you read this, let me tell you, there's hope, it's nearby, and of course supplied by your friends, here at CD Freaks.

Here is your help, your bright light, always someone there to help you, always a friendly answer, they never sleep...

Wondering where this heavenly place can be found on the internet ? Just surf to Club CD Freaks Clone CD Forum, moderated by our CloneCD Expert G@M3FRE@K.

Don't fear to ask, everyone has questions.

Source: CD Freaks Forum

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