CloneCD Beta in the authors own words

KING used our newssubmit to tell us that he read on the CloneClinic Forum that Oliver Kastl (Olli for his fans ), posted some more information on CloneCD version 3.

IMHO CloneCD3 beta works much better than any previous version ever did (Koldo and his ACER 8432 might disagree on this ).The new features are very carefully implemented and "tested to death" during the last 3 months.

Some features which were planned for Clone3 have been disabled for now because of some problems. (Originally Clone3 was supposed to have 2 rows with 4 buttons in the main window). But Clone3 is already 6 months late, so lets move these features to a future version. Hopefully won't take this long again!

The major problem with Clone3 was really the "On the Fly" thing. In order to do this, multiple I/O requests have to be sent to the hardware by different threads. This resulted in the new ElbyCDIO drivers (later CloneCD2 already shipped with early versions of them), as the older CloneCD drivers were not really capable of that (this was the reason you can only start one instance of CloneCD2). The I/O model is completely new as well as the buffering and thread communication.

Another thing - all I/O is now timed. It should never happen again, that CloneCD hangs forever.

The nifty little details are a pain. For example - what happens if the Write Thread aborts for some reason and the Read thread still fills the buffers? Or vice versa? Without special treatment one thread would hang. Sure, this can all be solved (and is solved already), but these tiny little nifty details are the things, that were overlooked at the beginning.

You see, Olli is taking care of everything. Let's hope CloneCD 3 will be final soon. Personally I'm a big fan of Olli and I'm sure more of you are.

Note: To SWeNSkE (I know you are reading this) Olli seems to be a fan of your Deamon Tools, check this posting on the CloneClinic Forum.

If you have any questions or comments on CloneCD you can go to the CloneClinic Forum or if you want to stay with us, post it on our CloneCD forum.

Source: CloneClinic

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