CrackWhore a boon to password-request sites

CrackWhore is a password cracking program that is used to brute force crack the password of mostly xxx-sites, but the author also made a function that puts the cracked passwords on a webpage...

A brute-force password cracking program called CrackWhore written by our Dutch friend SubReality turns out to be clever for more than its name.

The author has rigged it with a phone-home feature (which users can disable) that sends the password combos and URLs of cracked sites to the Website in the form:


Why is this clever, you ask? Because SR has also put together a little Perl script which automatically posts each new crack as a hyperlink on a page at his site, so that all CrackWhore users can share successful cracks among themselves simply by clicking on the relevant link.

The original inspiration arose from sheer laziness, SR told us. "I wanted a password section on my site but I was too lazy to crack/verify new passwords every day. Since CrackWhore had a couple of thousand users a day already by then, I thought I might as well use their capacity," he explained.

In addition to the usual features, CrackWhore includes a simple HTML template which Webmasters can use to upload cracks to their own sites, though not with the convenience SR enjoys.

URL anyone ?

Source: TheRegister

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