DVD Jon interview at Slyck.com

DamnedIfIknow used our news submit to tell us "Gotta love this guy! 🙂 "

What was the motivation behind creating DeCSS?

The motivation was being able to play DVDs the way we want to. I don"t like being forced to use a specific operating system or a specific player to watch movies (or listen to music.) Nor do I like being forced to watch commercials. When your DVD player tells you "This operation is not allowed" when you try to skip commercials, it becomes pretty clear that DRM really stands for Digital Restrictions Management.

From DeCSS to PyMusique, many see you as the DRM anti-hero (or the anti-DRM hero.) What is your motivation behind targeting the music and movie industry's copy protection technology?

My motivation is to preserve the copyright bargain (copyright balance.) The content industry claims that the balance needs to be changed because they face impending doom, but we"ve heard that before (Betamax) and the numbers keep telling us otherwise.

This is just a small snippet from a great interview. Thanks for the heads up there DamnedIfIknow! Make sure to visit the Slyck site and read the whole thing. Then please come back and give us your thoughts.

Source: Slyck

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