DVD Jon says recording industry is doomed

Jon Johansen has become a sort of figurehead for consumers rights. He has gained a global recognition for his efforts in the so-called "fair use" arena and it is well deserved too. He also is very perceptive and has said that DRM is more than just digital rights management. We can see this when we try to skip over a FBI warning on a DVD or we read that skipping commercials is something that may not be tolerated much longer. So it's about control too and it needs to be taken on seriously. He granted financial daily Dagens Né¦ringsliv an interview, which appeared Wednesday. When asked about declining CD music sales, here is what he had to say:

"The recording industry as it exists today will be superfluous. Equipment to produce music of top technical quality is becoming cheaper and cheaper. Making music available for sale on the Internet is both simple and cheap. Even making music available on the large services, like iTunes Music Store, is quite simple," Johansen said.

"The problem that remains for an artist is to become known so that people will buy the music. The recording industry will still have a role in terms of marketing," Johansen said.

I have to wonder why the recording industry would even have a role in marketing. Maybe someone will come up witha way around that as well. Let's hope so. Because the only artists that get support from the music industry are the ones that sound just like the last big hit. They don't have the sense, talent or vision or whatever it takes, to spot new talent and give them a hand up. They are just to corporate minded to take any risk. It has not always been this way, but in recent decades this has been the case and many artisits are fed up.

Source: Aftenposten

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