Do We REALLY Need HD-DVD, Blu-ray (and other items)?

Thanks to Quema34 for writing in with the following:

This article (as it reflects the blogger's views and observations) on HD-DVD and Blu-ray in some cases really expresses what I feel about this very well--especially 3-5 and #7. We don't really need HD-DVD or Blu-ray for a better life (nor for a better movie experience for that matter). The phenomenon is not unlike the current unneeded (and poor quality) attempts by camera makers to have several 18x zoom cameras on the market. The result? People thinking the bigger zoom is better, when the image quality (especially on the Olympus SP-560) really bites.

"Bigger" is not always better, and it really seems foolish for this whole format conundrum to have gotten started in the first place, when people weren't complaining en masse about DVD prices nor lack of viewing quality. Simply put, there was no NEED for more and what this boils down to is just more "bling," not anything really substantive.

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