Dutch dealer busted *update 21:35*

Not so long ago we posted news about a Dutch dealer that has been busted. Today we received another mail about a Dutch dealer that seems to be busted by the BSA. Here is a message (In Dutch) from probably a friend of them:

Speedy is opgepakt, en zijn computer is in beslag genomen. ALLE adressen stonden er nog op. Alle cds van ****** zijn dus ook meegenomen, ****** raadde mij aan

jullie te zeggen dat je alles moet verbergen, aangezien de bsa dus de adressen op de pc van speedy hebben...

Short translation:

The speedycrew is busted, they took his computer. All addresses where on it. All ***** his CD's are taken. Please tell everyone to hide their CD's, because the BSA has likely your addresses.

Be warned !

RTL4 has reported about this bust. Seems not the BSA but the BUMA/STEMRA is responsible for this bust. According to them, this was just a 17 year old boy

Update at 21:25:
So what happened this day with Speedy...read his story:
This morning at 07:15 he got lifted from his bed by the cops. Everything related to CDs and PCs was taken in; most of the CDs (the cops forgot some CDs that where on top of the chest..) and 2 PCs.
At 13:00 he returned home from the policestation; hungry! As he didn't get any food during those hours ;(.

Anyway...how did they get to him...well they just ordered some CDs over the internet from him and traced the goods back to his home adress...So be warned...it could happen to anyone involved!

Source: Mail

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