EMI In talks to sell unprotected MP3's

USA Today has a great story that tries to make it look like EMI is doing this to in order to make the market better for consumers.  Ideally, I think we all know that Jobs’ call to drop DRM and his dominance in the digital market place have opposite impacts on this call.  EMI says they have been thinking of selling songs unprotected for some time now, they just never had the vision to do it nor the market.  With iTunes selling over 2 billion tracks, it appears that EMI is now seeing that there is a HUGE market for them to rape and pillage, er I mean sell to.  

If consumers really do want DRM free stuff, hey I know I do.  Would buying from one of the media cartel companies make you a hypocrite if you say you hate the RIAA because of their lawsuits and stuff?  We all know this is only about the almighty dollar, and everyone wants to get as rich as they can no matter the costs.

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