Fed up with Plextor turning on us

I know I'm not the only one who feels this way and so I think it's time we as the consumers, the people who make or break companies by buying or not buying their product, speak up.

Most of you who visit this site frequently know that Plextor has turned on us and basically decided that a corporate ass kissing with SD2 is somehow in their favour. We as the consumers, the people who made Plextor so big by buying them all the time, recommending them to all our friends and basically boasting about how amazing they are are now getting put on the side bench and our needs are being put aside. Plextor are deliberately stopping us having full power with our burners.

In order to make plextor realise they cant put the customers wants second place we all need to show Plextor how royal fucked they are going to be by screwing us over.

We need to start a forum basically for everyone to post a note bitching about Plextor (if this is how they do indeed feel) and say how they will not buy plextor again or recommend them ever again.

If enough people post notes and this page is shown to Plextor then they WILL take notice. The site would need to be fully legal with no posts at all relating to illegal stuff.

If anyone knows much about Bulletin boards then please post a reply below and help by setting up a board that we can all visit and post our frustration on.

Once the board is set up we can then post the url to it here and basically start a campaign to get Plextor back to being a product that does what we want and need it to do.

We WILL be heard!

Source: My Frustration

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