File-Sharing and CD burning remain steady in 2002

A report of the research firm Ipsos shows that
Americans continued their file-sharing and CD burning activities last year, and teens continued to download music from file-sharing networks in record numbers, Half of all teens and one-fifth of all Americans age 12 and older report having downloaded a music or MP3 file from a file-sharing service

The Ipsos TEMPO study shows that one-quarter (25%) of Americans ages 12 and older currently own a PC-based Compact Disc Recorder/ Burner. This proportion more than doubles when asking U.S. file-sharers, as 59% of Americans aged 12 and older who have downloaded a music or MP3 file from an online file-sharing service report owning this increasingly common PC peripheral. It has been frequently reported that in the past year sales of blank CD-Rs surpassed that of pre-recorded CDs for the first time. Consumer ownership of PC-based CD-Burners reflect this trend.

Further, there is now evidence that suggests these CD-Burners are indeed being used by their owners to burn copies of CDs rather than buying. Just over one in ten Americans (12%) report they have burned (or copied) a pre-recorded music CD owned by someone else rather than actually purchasing that particular CD. Again, this proportion jumps dramatically when examining file-sharers, with 42% of U.S. file-sharers aged 12 and older reporting having done this activity.

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